scrose official guide: Quest Skill Driving Cart

Quest Skill Driving Cart

In order to accept the quest and drive a cart you have to be level 50+.

First of all, talk to Mildun in Junon, and choose Option 4. to start the quest.

Cart quest

Go to Mairard. He is in the Adventurer's Plains, in the main town. Talk to him, if you want to read it, then read it. If not, just continue until he gives you a question. If you were paying attention to the paragraph, you might know the answer. If not, well, the answer is Anthony Flight.

Cart quest

Then, go to Kenji Beach, and find Luce, the Akram Minister. Talk to him, just like you did to Mairard. The answer to his question is Cart Body.

Cart quest

Now, go back to Mildun at Junon choose Option 4. again. After you talk, you have to kill Fighter Clowns in Forest of Wisdom, in order to hide 3 scrolls. You can now see the scrolls at your quest window(alt+Q). You get to the forest of wisdom by going north from the City of Junon, to Anima Lake. Stick to the east side of the map and head north. You will find an archway leading to the Forest of Wisdom. Your destination is a huge tree on the north-eastern side of the map.

Cart quest

On your minimap, it looks like a big rough circle of black leaves. You can see the scrolls at your quest window(alt+q). Keep killing the Fighter Clowns, making sure to only use ordinary attacks, not the area of effect skills to hasten your progress.

Cart quest

When the scrolls are all hidden go back to Mildun at Junon and select option 4 again when you speak to him. Continue the conversation and you will master the Drive Cart skill. You can now see the Drive Cart skill at Unique tab on skill.

To make the cart, buy cart parts first. You can buy some of them from Mildun, then open your inventory, click PAT tab, then assemble them to their slots, making sure that the body goes first.

After that relog to get your driving skill! Enjoy to see yourself driving your cart.

Side note: Your weapon and offhand will be de-equipped during cart use, so be prepared.

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